Singing Guide: The Five Keys

Singing Guide: The Five Keys

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Five Keys were a pioneering R&B group from the 1950s, with hits such as "The Glory of Love" and "Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind." Lead singer Rudy West had a smooth and silky voice, and used a crooning style with rich vibrato to great effect. In this article, we'll explore how to learn singing like The Five Keys, with a focus on their vocal technique and the best songs to showcase it.

Understanding The Five Keys' Vocal Technique

Rudy West's voice was characterized by his use of vibrato, which he employed to create a smooth and velvety vocal style. Vibrato is the natural wavering of pitch when singing, and it adds warmth and richness to a singer's tone. To develop your own vibrato, try the vocal warm-up exercises in Singing Carrots' Pitch Training tool, which includes a pitch visualizer to help you see the way your voice moves.

The Five Keys also used a lot of harmony in their songs, which meant that each member of the group had to be able to sing in tune with one another. Singing in tune means that you are accurately hitting the correct pitch with your voice, and it's an essential skill for any singer. Use the Pitch Accuracy Test in Singing Carrots to help improve your intonation.

Learning The Five Keys' Songs

Some of the best songs to learn if you want to sing like The Five Keys include "The Glory of Love," "Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind," and "Wisdom of A Fool." To learn these songs effectively, try the song learning techniques explained in Singing Carrots' blog post.

For "The Glory of Love," start by listening carefully to how Rudy West uses his vibrato to create a smooth and silky tone. Then, use Singing Carrots' Pitch Training tool to help you practice your intonation on the song's melody. For "Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind," focus on the group's use of harmony, and practice singing along with the different parts.

Using Singing Carrots' Resources

To get the most out of these techniques, use Singing Carrots' tools and resources to help you practice. The Vocal Range Test can help you determine your vocal range, and the Pitch Monitor lets you see the notes you sing on a virtual piano. For more comprehensive training, check out Singing Carrots' Singing Course.

In conclusion, learning to sing like The Five Keys involves developing your vibrato and harmony skills, and practicing on their classic songs. With the help of Singing Carrots' tools and resources, you can take your singing to the next level and discover your own unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.